Witch’s Hat
• Paint four sheets of newspaper black. When dry, roll one sheet into a cone about 16 inches high and tape together, holding the cone shape in place. Then cut the bottom edges until it stands flat on a table, creating a fringe effect.
• Next cut several pieces of red, orange or green crepe paper into strands, to create the hair, and tape the ends to the inside of the cone.
• Using the other three sheets of newspaper for the hat brim – roll the outer edges in to create a circle, taping them in place. Trace around the cone bottom onto the centre of the brim you have just made, and then divide the circle into quarters, cutting along the centre lines. Push the cone up through the brim and tape in place.
• Cut out a cardboard buckle, cover with foil and tape to the front of the hat.
Dracula’s Cape
• This is very easy to make. Take a black bin bag and on one side split it up the seam all the way to the top. On the other side cut a hole in the corner big enough for your child to pop their head through. Make sure your child is wearing a white shirt and black trousers to complete the look.
Headless Ghoul
• To create that whaoo effect, dress your child in a oversized duffel coat, zip the coat all the way to the top hiding their head inside the body of the jacket. Also give them a flash light and a tape-recorder full of spooky sounds for them to play from within the coat.
Ghostly Monsters
• Use white face paint, cover your child’s face, neck, ears and hands and use a white swimming hat over their hair. Then use orange peel to create the teeth and black eyeliner to add scars. To finish the look, dress your child in white or black clothes and cover in talcum powder.
Frankenstein’s Feet
• Take two shoe boxes or small cardboard boxes, paint them black and cut holes in the top for your child’s feet to fit through. To keep the shoe lid attached to the box bind with black electrical tape – it’s great fun watching them walk.
Ideas courtesy of http://www.perform.org.uk/